
ESA names first ‘astronaut’ to fly on the Artemis I lunar mission

The specially trained woolly astronaut, Shaun the Sheep, has been assigned a seat on the Artemis I mission to the Moon, it was announced today. Shaun’s assignment was announced by...

L’ESA cerca nuove astronaute e nuovi astronauti – apertura candidature: 31 marzo 2021

Per la prima volta dopo 11 anni, l’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) cerca nuove astronaute e nuovi astronauti. Queste nuove leve lavoreranno fianco a fianco con gli attuali astronaut...

L’ESA accoglie la positiva revisione dei programmi per portare Marte sulla Terra

ESA welcomes positive review of plan to bring Mars to Earth An ambitious campaign by NASA and ESA to collect samples from the Red Planet and return them to Earth has bee...