
La settimana del Rosadigitale: dal 2 al 15 Marzo 2020.

In tutta Italia e all’estero, dal 2 al 15 Marzo 2020, si svolgerà la quinta edizione de “La settimana del Rosadigitale” in occasione della giornata internazionale della donna. ...

Liftoff for Cheops, ESA’s exoplanet mission

ESA’s Cheops mission lifted off on a Soyuz-Fregat launcher from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, at 09:54:20 CET on 18 December on its exciting mission to characterise ...

Un nouveau planning pour le LHC et son successeur

La Direction du CERN a présenté un nouveau calendrier des futures exploitations des accélérateurs au Conseil du CERN, qui s’est réuni le 12 décembre. Le programme prévoit un redéma...

Cheops, ESA’s ‘Characterising Exoplanet Satellite’, is scheduled to be launched on a Soyuz-Fregat rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, at 09:54 CET on 17 December 2019.

Representatives of traditional and social media are invited to apply for accreditation to follow the launch live from ESA’s European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) near Madrid, Sp...

ESA commissions world’s first space debris removal

ClearSpace-1 will be the first space mission to remove an item of debris from orbit, planned for launch in 2025. The mission is being procured as a service contract with a start-up...

MMMV: Robotica, Interconnettività e resilienza – Due incontri italo-francesi a Bologna

Può un robot interagire con noi alla pari? Può riuscire a leggere i segnali sociali umani e rispondere in modo convincente? Può comunicare attraverso le emozioni? ...

ESA ministers commit to biggest ever budget

ESA’s Council at Ministerial Level, Space19+, has concluded in Seville, Spain, with the endorsement of the most ambitious plan to date for the future of ESA and the whole Europea...

The ESA Council at Ministerial Level Space 19+ will take place at FIBES in Seville, Spain, on 27 and 28 November 2019. 

Ministers from the ESA Member States along with Associate Member Slovenia and Cooperating State Canada will meet to discuss future space activities for Europe and particularly, the...

CERN Council appoints Fabiola Gianotti for second term of office as CERN Director General

At its 195th Session today, the CERN Council selected Fabiola Gianotti, as the Organization’s next Director-General, for her second term of office. The appointment will be formalis...

Persona, Competenze, PM community: le tre parole chiave della VIII Edizione

Venerdì 8 novembre 2019, dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 17:00, presso l’Auditorium Massimo di Roma, l’ISIPM (Istituto Italiano di Project Management), presenta il PMexpo 2019, la più gran...