
CERN collaborations present new results on particles with charm quarks

The ALICE, CMS and LHCb collaborations present new measurements that show how particles containing charm quarks can serve as “messengers” of hadrons and the quark–gluon plasma, car...

La collaboration ALPHA au CERN a annoncé les premières mesures de certains effets quantiques dans l’antimatière

La collaboration ALPHA au CERN a annoncé les premières mesures de certains effets quantiques dans la structure énergétique de l'antihydrogène, l'équivalent en antimatière de l'hydr...

Un nouveau planning pour le LHC et son successeur

La Direction du CERN a présenté un nouveau calendrier des futures exploitations des accélérateurs au Conseil du CERN, qui s’est réuni le 12 décembre. Le programme prévoit un redéma...

CERN Council appoints Fabiola Gianotti for second term of office as CERN Director General

At its 195th Session today, the CERN Council selected Fabiola Gianotti, as the Organization’s next Director-General, for her second term of office. The appointment will be formalis...

La Croatie devient État membre associé du CERN

Le CERN accueille aujourd'hui la République de Croatie en tant qu'État membre associé, le pays ayant officiellement informé le Laboratoire qu’il avait mené à bien les procédures in...

CERN Open Days: come and explore the future

On Saturday, 14 and Sunday, 15 September, CERN will open its doors to the public. Taking advantage of the second long shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider, the Laboratory will be ...

LHC experiments present new results on rare Higgs phenomena at 2019 EPS-HEP conference

Candidates for a Higgs produced with a Z. ATLAS (l): both decay ultimately to leptons, leaving two electrons (green) and four muons (red). CMS (r): the Higgs decays to two charm qu...

Dutch and US students win 2019 CERN Beamline for Schools competition

The 2019 CERN Beamline for Schools winners: (from left) Team from the West High School in Salt Lake City, USA (Image: Kara Budge) and team from the Praedinius Gymnasium in Groninge...

CERN unveils its Science Gateway project

As part of its mission to educate and engage the public in science, and to share knowledge and technology with society, CERN is launching the Science Gateway, a new facility for ...

Serbia joins CERN as its 23rd Member State

Today, CERN welcomes Serbia as its 23rd Member State, following receipt of formal notification from UNESCO that Serbia has acceded to the CERN Convention. “Investing in scientif...