
20 anni fa venne introdotto l’Euro in 12 Paesi dell’Unione Europea

We all remember the first time we held a euro note in our hands. 20 years on, the Euro is one of the most powerful currencies in the world. The Euro also reflects our values,...

EU Commission – Vaccination against COVID-19 started everywhere across the EU

Ursula von der Leyen: "Today the first Europeans are getting vaccinated against COVID19. I'm touched to see people taking the vaccine everywhere across the EU. From Madrid to Pa...

European Commission – The EU-UK Partnership Agreement on Trade and Cooperation enters into force today

EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: protecting European interests, ensuring fair competition, and continued cooperation in areas of mutual interest. ...

Messaggio agli italiani da parte di Ursula von der Leyen, Presidente della Commissione Europea

Ursula von der Leyen - President of the EU Commission: "Cari italiani, in questo momento difficile, voglio dirvi che non siete soli. L’Italia è parte dell’Europa, e l’Europa soffre...

European Commission – 8 Marzo, International Women’s Day 2020

Friends Sisters Daughters Mothers Colleagues Leaders We celebrate women's achievements and fight against gender bias. Much remains to be done for gender equality. "We can only rea...