
Keukenhof: a look behind the scenes – Autumn versus spring

‘What happens in the park when it is closed?’, Keukenhof gets asked about frequently. The mini-series of videos "Keukenhof behind the scenes" show what has to be done to create a c...

Keukenhof: a look behind the scenes – Keukenhof gardeners explain how to plant 7 million flower bulbs, an eight weeks spring opening takes ten months to prepare

‘What happens in the park when it is closed?’, Keukenhof gets asked about frequently. The mini-series of videos "Keukenhof behind the scenes" show what has to be done to create a c...

Keukenhof: a look behind the scenes – Designing Keukenhof 2021, an eight weeks spring opening takes ten months to prepare

‘What happens in the park when it is closed?’, Keukenhof gets asked about frequently. The mini-series of videos "Keukenhof behind the scenes" show what has to be done to create a c...

Keukenhof: a look behind the scenes – The 7 million flower bulbs for Keukenhof 2021 arrived!, an eight weeks spring opening takes ten months to prepare

‘What happens in the park when it is closed?’, Keukenhof gets asked about frequently. The mini-series of videos "Keukenhof behind the scenes" show what has to be done to create a c...

Keukenhof plants miffy mosaic for celebration of 65th birthday

Miffy stays forever young but has been around for 65 years. To celebrate her birthday, Keukenhof has planted a large miffy flower mosaic. Tom Schreuder, commercial manager at Keuke...

US-ambassador plants ‘American Dream’ in Keukenhof

Pete Hoekstra, the United States Ambassador to the Netherlands, planted flower bulbs with the appropriate name ‘American Dream’ together with Keukenhof director Bart Siemerink. The...

Keukenhof starts season 2021 ‘Planting 7 million flower bulbs as usual’

Keukenhof’s gardeners planted the first flower bulbs in the park. At a famous spot in Keukenhof: the historic windmill. This is the kickoff of planting seven million flower bulbs i...

Presentata alla comunità del Parco la proposta di nuova rete sentieristica

Si è tenuta oggi presso la sede del Parco, nel pieno rispetto dei protocolli di prevenzione attualmente in vigore, la riunione della Comunità del Parco per la discussione del Bilan...

«Là Vo’ e bene sto» è il claim scelto per rilanciare una zona straordinaria: tra le prime zone rosse d’Italia, Vo’ ha saputo rialzarsi dall’emergenza Covid-19

"LA VO’ E BENE STO"... RACCONTIAMO LE ECCELLENZE DEL TERRITORIO VO' 2020 STORIA E STORIE DELLA RINASCITA. Tra le prime zone rosse d’Italia, Vo’ ha saputo rialzarsi dall’emergenz...

Covid-19: No di Speranza ad allentamento misure treni

"È giusto che sui treni restino in vigore le regole di sicurezza applicate finora. Non possiamo permetterci di abbassare il livello di attenzione e cautela. Per questo ho firmato u...